
Sleep apnea solutions and treatments

At your Passion Sourire clinic in Vaudreuil-Dorion, you'll receive quality services for the whole family in a friendly environment.

Apnée du sommeil et ronflement

Sleep apnea and snoring

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs during sleep, characterized by involuntary interruptions in breathing. These pauses in breathing, which can occur dozens of times a night, lead to snoring, night-time awakening and daytime fatigue. They are caused by a loosening of certain tissues in the upper respiratory tract, leading to obstruction.

Sleep apnea is more common in overweight people, men and post-menopausal women. The risk of sleep apnea increases with age, particularly in people over 40. Alcohol consumption is also associated with this condition. That said, it's essential to note that sleep apnea can affect people of all ages and genders. So it's important to remain aware of the symptoms and consult a healthcare professional if you suspect that you or someone you know may be suffering from this disorder.

It's important to understand that sleep apnea can present a serious health risk, since lack of oxygenation causes the cardiovascular system to work harder to move blood around the body. This can translate into a greater risk of heart attack and stroke, in particular.

Did you know?

Dentists can play an important role in the management of sleep apnea, particularly in mild to moderate cases. Following a thorough evaluation, your dentist can identify the means that can best help you:

Mandibular advancement orthoses (M.A.O.)

These devices are worn at night and hold the lower jaw slightly forward. This helps keep the airway open, reducing the obstructions that cause sleep apnea.

Custom-made oral appliances

Dentists can also make custom-made oral appliances, which help position the tongue and soft tissues of the mouth so as not to obstruct the airway during sleep.

Snoring reduction with Laser Solea

Dentists may recommend the use of Laser Solea to help reduce snoring. By applying the laser's concentrated beam to the soft palate, it helps to reduce tremors during sleep, and thus to limit snoring.

Collaboration with specialists

In severe cases of sleep apnea, dentists can collaborate with physicians specializing in sleep medicine to develop a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include the use of CPAP, medical interventions or surgery if necessary.

Nevertheless, it is essential to consult a health professional if sleep apnea is suspected.

Sleep rhymes with a smile

Ask your dentist at your clinic in Vaudreuil-Dorion about the solutions available to help you sleep better... with a smile!

Request an appointment now!

Are you looking for a dentist in the Vaudreuil-Dorion area? Our team is here for you, whatever your needs or current dental condition. Even if you haven't visited us in a while, it's never too late to benefit from quality dental care from a team of caring professionals. We look forward to seeing you!

Contact us at 450-510-2323 or fill out the form below, and our team will call you back shortly.

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